R U STOKED for Indy?

Maybe because USMS chose to bury the Forums on the new and 'improved' website, but there seems to be little activity now on the forums. Who of you ~2400 people are STOKED for Indy? Everyone should be getting almost out of that part of taper where you feel like crap and question all that you have done in your life to get to this point. Hopefully, around Tuesday, you'll start to feel a bit o' easy speed in the water ... but not too much. Are you thinking about your packing list ... what goes in the checked luggage, what goes in your carry on, if 5 pairs of goggles and 6 suits is enough to see you through any potential swim situation or calamity that might strike ... If you're coming from Pacific time (like me) are you starting to wake up earlier to pre-set your body clock to eastern time? What pre-race day and race-day rituals are you thinking about? What event are you most excited about? For me, it's the 400 IM.
  • I'm super excited. I signed up for a CrossFit competition this weekend back in the winter before I knew I could do Nationals so taper is going to be a bit weird but I think I just need some rest on my legs by Friday. Should be OK. It's a team competition and the easier division so I shouldn't be too sore even Monday. I'm only coming from St Louis and also my brother lives just south of Fishers so I'm staying with him, so that will be nice and also convenient and cheaper than getting a hotel! I've got a FS2 and goggles, plus I'll pack the used racing suits just in case and another couple pairs of goggles... I have Swedes coming out of my ears all over my house so no problems there. As for races... I'm excited for the 100 IM because I've never gotten to race that tapered, and the 100 *** because I want to break a minute for the first time - since I've also never done it tapered. The 25-29 mens age group is a buzzsaw so I'm not sure I'll place particularly highly in anything but that's why I picked events that would be fun. Oh, and I'm excited for relays. I am always excited for relays.
  • I'm super excited...Awesome. If you've done a Crossfit event, I would imagine it's all R&R from here to the meet. Maybe a massage? I did a 1500M open water Masters race today. Like your Crossfit event, today wasn't the right time with Nationals a week away, but USA Swimming hosted their OW Nationals in Arizona and we got to swim on the same course with the cool, open water electronic touch pad finish. Although I'm tired, it was good for me, in hindsight, as it convinced me I have more endurance than I thought. My massage is booked for Tuesday :) The 100 IM is a blast. It'll be a wavy blast in all age groups, but probably particularly for you with a bunch of fast, big young guns. As for me, my favorite pair of Vanquishers that I've had for pushing 10 years finally had the nosepiece snap. As I have 5 or 6 pairs of goggles accumulated in the house between me and my three daughters, I'll be using the rest of my taper time to 'audition' a new pair of race goggles.
  • Just got a little more STOKED when I found out Rowdy Gains is doing the announcing :banana:
  • Awesome. If you've done a Crossfit event, I would imagine it's all R&R from here to the meet. Maybe a massage?... Maybe. Not sure if I will have time this week before I leave. Might just have to lacrosse ball and roll out everything. I'm quite a bit more sore than I had hoped I'd be. My legs weren't much more than dead weight in the pool this morning! Ah well, it was fun.
  • Yes, I am stoked. For me, it's the 100 Free. I view it as my marquee event if there is such a thing. At least in that event I'm not going head to head with someone with the initials "pwb". He's just a super fast maniac! See ya in the 50 and 100 fly though. My rituals are too numerous to list but I'm hoping my taper hits the same as last summer in Minnesota. I'll have at least 3 racing suits and 3 goggles packed and ready to roll. Good luck to you and everyone else. Looking forward to seeing everyone and preparing my brain for the salmon run of warmups.
  • Yes, I am stoked. For me, it's the 100 Free. I view it as my marquee event if there is such a thing. At least in that event I'm not going head to head with someone with the initials "pwb". He's just a super fast maniac! See ya in the 50 and 100 fly though. My rituals are too numerous to list but I'm hoping my taper hits the same as last summer in Minnesota. I'll have at least 3 racing suits and 3 goggles packed and ready to roll. Good luck to you and everyone else. Looking forward to seeing everyone and preparing my brain for the salmon run of warmups.Jeff, well, the 100 free was my 6th event, so I had hoped to swim it ;) See you in the sprint flys. As for warmups, maybe I'm imagining things, but I'm not worried about the crowds. We had about 2000 swimmers in Santa Clara and they have virtually no space beyond the main pool. With the diving well and the other 50M pool, I think we'll be fine. I think I'm bringing 3 tech suits, 2 jammers, 4 pairs of goggles and 3 caps! I flunked out of the Scouts when I was a kid, but I did at least learn to be prepared!
  • As for warmups, maybe I'm imagining things, but I'm not worried about the crowds. We had about 2000 swimmers in Santa Clara and they have virtually no space beyond the main pool. With the diving well and the other 50M pool, I think we'll be fine. From the meet info for warmup lanes: "Seven 25-yard lanes of warm-up space will be available in the diving well, with twelve more 25-meter lanes available in the instructional pool." I'd say 19 lanes would be enough, but the degree of difficulty might still make that a little tougher than most National-level meets given the range of abilities and the fact that everybody is going to be at a different place in their warmup/down (heck, I don't even have an event Saturday until after 4pm I think). You guys that have been to a few of these would have a much better idea than I do though! I'm REALLY hoping I can time my loosen up swim after I get to Indy on Thursday to be after the distance events, I need to get some practice on those blocks as I've never used a foot wedge and the backstroke handles at my home pool are woefully inadequate... Need to make sure my underwaters on better blocks don't take me past 15m! Also, honestly, I can't wait to shave... that first dive in the water with a tech suit and shaved is an awesome feeling.
  • I am SO stoked for this meet. First time going to nationals, seeded in the Top 10 in all my events, and looking to rip off some new personal bests. I've been looking forward to this meet for months!
  • Just got a little more STOKED when I found out Rowdy Gains is doing the announcing :banana: I sure hope we'll be able to hear him on the live streaming feed! I love listening to him, because his enthusiasm and passion is infectious! :applaud:
  • Just got a little more STOKED when I found out Rowdy Gains is doing the announcing :banana: Who is going to do the announcing for HIS swims? Or is he going to be mic'd up giving us a stroke by stroke call of his own 100 FR?