2016 Spring Nationals Order of Events

Where can we find the order of events for next year's Short Course Championships?
  • Is it normal to have long-axis sprints back to back? On Friday is the 50 back followed by 100 free. The reverse on Saturday. Greensboro would be my second time going to Nationals and I'm curious if that is typical or just part of the fun for this year. I get it that there is still some time in between given that the other sex goes in between, not to mention all the other age groups. But it seems odd to put them back to back on both days. Thanks!
  • Is it normal to have long-axis sprints back to back? On Friday is the 50 back followed by 100 free. The reverse on Saturday. Greensboro would be my second time going to Nationals and I'm curious if that is typical or just part of the fun for this year. I get it that there is still some time in between given that the other sex goes in between, not to mention all the other age groups. But it seems odd to put them back to back on both days. Thanks!
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