2016 Nationals

Were the venues for 2016 Nationals announced at convention?
  • Look at meet timelines (actual) from previous years to give you an idea. I doubt attendance will be as high as in San Antonio last year - less exciting to most as a place to visit and bring family, plus it's on the east coast, much longer travel time for those from out west. Also in the past the NEM team has helped pair folks up for sharing rooms. You should contact Tracy Grilli to see if she's helping with that this year.
  • Look at meet timelines (actual) from previous years to give you an idea. I doubt attendance will be as high as in San Antonio last year - less exciting to most as a place to visit and bring family, plus it's on the east coast, much longer travel time for those from out west. Also in the past the NEM team has helped pair folks up for sharing rooms. You should contact Tracy Grilli to see if she's helping with that this year.
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