2016 Nationals

Were the venues for 2016 Nationals announced at convention?
  • OK, if its the first day or last day. In the middle, its a completely wasted day for those of us who don't have enough team-mates who go to nationals to be able to field any kind of relay. That's a good point. Would be best to do it on the last day, I think. Kind of a "going away" party for those of us with enough teammates to field relays :)
  • OK, if its the first day or last day. In the middle, its a completely wasted day for those of us who don't have enough team-mates who go to nationals to be able to field any kind of relay. That's a good point. Would be best to do it on the last day, I think. Kind of a "going away" party for those of us with enough teammates to field relays :)
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