2016 Nationals

Were the venues for 2016 Nationals announced at convention?
  • Online entry is now open for the 2016 Spring Nationals. The entry deadline is Monday, March 28 and those who enter by March 8 will receive a $10 discount off the meet surcharge. Late entries are not accepted. A real-time meet roster is also available showing who has entered the meet so far. Please note there will be a mixed 400 free relay on Friday (last event of the session). If 400 relays have been offered at Short Course Nationals, it was at least 25 years ago. The order of events is available here: www.usms.org/.../meetevents.php Jeff
  • Online entry is now open for the 2016 Spring Nationals. The entry deadline is Monday, March 28 and those who enter by March 8 will receive a $10 discount off the meet surcharge. Late entries are not accepted. A real-time meet roster is also available showing who has entered the meet so far. Please note there will be a mixed 400 free relay on Friday (last event of the session). If 400 relays have been offered at Short Course Nationals, it was at least 25 years ago. The order of events is available here: www.usms.org/.../meetevents.php Jeff
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