Swimming against your competion

I am not usually one to complain about swim meets, since I appreciate all the hard work that goes in to putting one on.... And I fully understand that this is the largest LCM Nationals in the history of Masters Swimming.... But really... Not being able to swim against your competition in the 200's??? This is not a local meet. This is the Nationals. The ONLY time I get to swim against my own age group. There needs to be a better solution.
  • This never happens outside nationals. And I'm not sure it happens at nationals either. I'd have to check the heat sheets. Not just as likely. Sure, there are stud swimmers in the older age groups. But on the whole, the talented older swimmers will not beat talented younger swimmers and, if seeded by time, they will end up in the outside lanes. Where is Jeff Commings? Isn't he going to come along to defend the seeding by time camp? :) Sorry I didn't contribute to this earlier! I was in Barcelona when this was all going on, and not thinking too much about what was going on in the USA, as my thoughts on August 7 were limited to feeling the sand on my toes on the beach. I'm always interested to read people's comments on this issue. I'm always for seeding by time. Possibly this is elitist to say it, but I would have had very little competition in my age group in Mission Viejo, and would have been very bummed to swim a couple of heats after Steve West (40-44) in the 100 ***, then watch Clark Burckle two heats later in the 25-29 age group. I would have wanted to race them both. Until my last days as a Masters swimmer, I will argue for seeding by time in every event. That's why I prefer swimming in local meets.
  • This never happens outside nationals. And I'm not sure it happens at nationals either. I'd have to check the heat sheets. Not just as likely. Sure, there are stud swimmers in the older age groups. But on the whole, the talented older swimmers will not beat talented younger swimmers and, if seeded by time, they will end up in the outside lanes. Where is Jeff Commings? Isn't he going to come along to defend the seeding by time camp? :) Sorry I didn't contribute to this earlier! I was in Barcelona when this was all going on, and not thinking too much about what was going on in the USA, as my thoughts on August 7 were limited to feeling the sand on my toes on the beach. I'm always interested to read people's comments on this issue. I'm always for seeding by time. Possibly this is elitist to say it, but I would have had very little competition in my age group in Mission Viejo, and would have been very bummed to swim a couple of heats after Steve West (40-44) in the 100 ***, then watch Clark Burckle two heats later in the 25-29 age group. I would have wanted to race them both. Until my last days as a Masters swimmer, I will argue for seeding by time in every event. That's why I prefer swimming in local meets.
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