Swimming against your competion

I am not usually one to complain about swim meets, since I appreciate all the hard work that goes in to putting one on.... And I fully understand that this is the largest LCM Nationals in the history of Masters Swimming.... But really... Not being able to swim against your competition in the 200's??? This is not a local meet. This is the Nationals. The ONLY time I get to swim against my own age group. There needs to be a better solution.
  • well some folks think its dumb that Schoeman is not swimming in the same heat as the 2nd and 3rd fastest swimmers in the meet. where is the excitement in that? thats like watching prelims. I doubt many if any people come to Nats to watch the elite swimmers.People who come as spectators come to watch their friends and family.Sure everyone stops to watch the elite young swimmers when they swim,but I don't think the meet should be built around viewing pleasure.
  • well some folks think its dumb that Schoeman is not swimming in the same heat as the 2nd and 3rd fastest swimmers in the meet. where is the excitement in that? thats like watching prelims. I doubt many if any people come to Nats to watch the elite swimmers.People who come as spectators come to watch their friends and family.Sure everyone stops to watch the elite young swimmers when they swim,but I don't think the meet should be built around viewing pleasure.
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