Swimming against your competion

I am not usually one to complain about swim meets, since I appreciate all the hard work that goes in to putting one on.... And I fully understand that this is the largest LCM Nationals in the history of Masters Swimming.... But really... Not being able to swim against your competition in the 200's??? This is not a local meet. This is the Nationals. The ONLY time I get to swim against my own age group. There needs to be a better solution.
  • You bring up several good points and they are well taken. I must admit, when I first joined USMS as a newbie swimmer in February 2010, I was (pleasantly) surprised to learn I would be allowed to swim 3 events at Spring Nationals, at Georgia Tech. We are at opposite ends of our age group at Nationals. You are at the TOP as a world record holder and I am at the bottom of some of the events I entered- and, close to it for the others; at least with the times I have been swimming this year with my injuries. I'm just happy to be able to swim! But, at the elite level you are at, I completely understand your argument. Thanks for providing that insight. Being "elite" actually has nothing to do with my argument. I do like that, right now, there are spots for swimmers with no NQTs. However, it is typical in all sport to have time or other qualifying standards for national level events. Triathletes have to earn spots at Kona, runners have to get their BQs to run in the Boston Marathon, etc. So if attendance at nationals becomes unmanageable -- and we can't have officials there all night -- then you have to tighten standards. That's not elitist; it's just the nature of a national event. Fortunately, there are plenty of other USMS events for everyone to compete in. I doubt I will go to Santa Clara so you can have my spot! Gull, I haven't even looked at the order of events. But how is it that distance swimmers go last?! I thought they made you guys get up early in the morning? At least, I have always counted on that. :)
  • You bring up several good points and they are well taken. I must admit, when I first joined USMS as a newbie swimmer in February 2010, I was (pleasantly) surprised to learn I would be allowed to swim 3 events at Spring Nationals, at Georgia Tech. We are at opposite ends of our age group at Nationals. You are at the TOP as a world record holder and I am at the bottom of some of the events I entered- and, close to it for the others; at least with the times I have been swimming this year with my injuries. I'm just happy to be able to swim! But, at the elite level you are at, I completely understand your argument. Thanks for providing that insight. Being "elite" actually has nothing to do with my argument. I do like that, right now, there are spots for swimmers with no NQTs. However, it is typical in all sport to have time or other qualifying standards for national level events. Triathletes have to earn spots at Kona, runners have to get their BQs to run in the Boston Marathon, etc. So if attendance at nationals becomes unmanageable -- and we can't have officials there all night -- then you have to tighten standards. That's not elitist; it's just the nature of a national event. Fortunately, there are plenty of other USMS events for everyone to compete in. I doubt I will go to Santa Clara so you can have my spot! Gull, I haven't even looked at the order of events. But how is it that distance swimmers go last?! I thought they made you guys get up early in the morning? At least, I have always counted on that. :)
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