Looking for Interviewees - Summer Nationals feature

Hi, Ever since I was an age group swimmer growing up in Ohio, I thought California was the place to chase down dreams. I'd read in awe about swimmers who trained with the Mission Viejo Nadadores and wish I could be there right with Jesse Vassallo and the other fast swimmers on the team. I still remember the first time I visited California, I drove to the MV pool just to see it and to imagine what it would be like to train there. Years later, I've still got some California dreams and I'm going to Summer Nationals to try to achieve them. If you have some "California Dreams" you'd like to share, I'd like to hear from you. There's no limit to where your story can go if its compelling. If your dream is to meet an Olympian, set a personal record, break a national record, visit Disneyland for the first time, or learn to surf, I'd like to hear about it. And I'd like to hear what attracted you to sign up for what will be the largest Summer Nationals in history. Please feel free to email me directly at susan@corazondeloro.com. Send me a few lines and contact information and I will set up an interview time. I will warn you, I have a spam blocker, so you may have to type a validation code the first time if I don't find you searching through the spam. Please write Nationals Interview in the subject line. I look forward to hearing from you.