I don't think they're out yet. To find them click on the "Competition" selection on the front page of the USMS site. You will find the "Nationals" selection on the pull down bar and you'll find them there when they are posted.
Qualifying times for Indy are now posted on the Meet Information page:
Here is a direct link to the Indy NQTs:
And here is a direct link to the NQT FAQs:
Jeff Roddin
USMS Championship Committee
PS. Mission Viejo NQTs should be available in late December or early January.
Can a swimmer do the 1,000 and the 1,650?
Not at this particular Nationals. There are two 8 lane courses vs Greensboro having the ability to offer two 11 lane courses.
Stay tuned for Mission Viejo, however. There are decent odds of being able to swim both the 800 and the 1500 (on separate days, too).
Qualifying times for Mission Viejo are attached to this post. They will be available on the meet website once it is established.
Here is a direct link to the NQT FAQs:
Jeff Roddin
USMS Championship Committee
Thanks, Jeff! These NQT's now give me direction for my 2013 goal-setting. I am very much looking forward to Mission Viejo and going back "home" to So. Cal! :bliss:
Question: I read over the FAQ sheet, however, I do not see anything about time limits for making NQT's. If I remember right, Anna Lea said the window is two years. Is that still correct? My reason for asking is this: According to the Swimming World Conversion Utility, my SCM 100 breaststroke time at last year's St. Nick's meet (November 2011) was EXACTLY the NQT time for that event in my age group. It was my personal best time in that event, however, I have not been able to hit it since. But, would it count? Mission Viejo is in August 2013, less than two years from the date I made NQT's. If my times from that meet DO count, then I also made it in the 50 and 200 breaststroke events and get to swim six events. (I will hold off on using an appropriate Smilie until I have confirmation...)
Anna Lea answered in a previous post like this:
ANYONE can enter Nationals, and enter up to three individual events, without meeting any qualifying times.
Swimmers who want to enter more than three individual events must meet qualifying times for those additional events.
The rationale behind these two rules is that we can still allow anyone to enter the meet, but by limiting the number of events swum by the slower swimmers, we can control the length of the meet days.
This system only works as long as everyone is honest. Beyond the first three events, swimmers are on the honor system when they enter the meet. USMS is relying on swimmers to be confident that they can actually achieve the qualifying times.
So there's the history and the rationale. Now I'm going to attempt to answer some common questions about the entry process.
Q: I can't make any of the qualifying times. Does this mean I can't go to Nationals?
A: No. Remember, anyone can enter THREE individual events without having to meet the qualifying times.
Q: When I enter Nationals, do I have to provide proof that I achieved a qualifying time?
A: No. Your entry times for Nationals are submitted on the honor system.
Q: Do I have to achieve my qualifying time in a swim meet?
A: No. You could use a time that you swam in a workout or time trial. Again, remember that this is all on the honor system.
Q: Can I submit the time that I swam 10 years ago as my qualifying time?
A: Only if you think you can still achieve that time! :)