Gold Medal Sponsorship for SC Nationals

What's going on with the Gold Medal Sponsorship for Spring Nationals? Last spring it was $75. This year it is $175. I don't understand why it would go up so much. I am having a hard time imagining what could be worth that much.
  • Hill has posted an explanation in another thread. It is very clear. I am not sure what I will do. Besides ignoring Geek's last post, I know what I will do: Not purchase a Gold Medal Sponsorship. Because of what we will already be spending for gas, hotel room and dinners, we feel our budget for this event is maxed out. I purchased the Gold Medal Sponsorship last year and will do it again at future Nationals, if it's affordable. Meanwhile, the question, as Fort posed it, remains: Are they going to search our bags? :worms: Edit: I just noticed Geek's post has been removed from the thread...
  • Hill has posted an explanation in another thread. It is very clear. I am not sure what I will do. Besides ignoring Geek's last post, I know what I will do: Not purchase a Gold Medal Sponsorship. Because of what we will already be spending for gas, hotel room and dinners, we feel our budget for this event is maxed out. I purchased the Gold Medal Sponsorship last year and will do it again at future Nationals, if it's affordable. Meanwhile, the question, as Fort posed it, remains: Are they going to search our bags? :worms: Edit: I just noticed Geek's post has been removed from the thread...
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