Gold Medal Sponsorship for SC Nationals

What's going on with the Gold Medal Sponsorship for Spring Nationals? Last spring it was $75. This year it is $175. I don't understand why it would go up so much. I am having a hard time imagining what could be worth that much.
  • What's going on with the Gold Medal Sponsorship for Spring Nationals? Last spring it was $75. This year it is $175. I don't understand why it would go up so much. I am having a hard time imagining what could be worth that much. Betsy, I think it has something to do with contracts with the catering company who is doing the food (if I'm remembering correctly). Even still, that had better be some stellar food. What concerns me more than the GMS cost this meet is the line in the meet info that says no outside food or drink is to be brought into the venue. Is that going to be enforced? For some of us, there are a very limited number of things that won't cause digestive issues during a meet, and something tells me no matter how good the catering is (and how good the other food services are) folks aren't going to be able to find the food and drinks they know they can consume without issue.
  • Is that going to be enforced? Anyone who attempts to use the water fountain will be flogged.
  • Betsy, I think it has something to do with contracts with the catering company who is doing the food (if I'm remembering correctly). Even still, that had better be some stellar food. What concerns me more than the GMS cost this meet is the line in the meet info that says no outside food or drink is to be brought into the venue. Is that going to be enforced? For some of us, there are a very limited number of things that won't cause digestive issues during a meet, and something tells me no matter how good the catering is (and how good the other food services are) folks aren't going to be able to find the food and drinks they know they can consume without issue. I haven't read the announcement, but does that mean no outside food brought in by other vendors or swimmers? It must be the former. There is no way swimmers aren't going to bring their own snacks and gus and whatnot. Will their be bag searches? lol I'm bummed it's so high too because I like to get the GMS for drinks, lunch, etc. But I hadn't planned to breakfast and sleep there ...
  • under the nationals section the discussion of entries for spring nationals sandy rouseau explains the deal with the 175 dollar gold medal sponsorship. at other nationals i believe the gold medal sponsor ship actually contributed something to usms and/or the team sponsoring the meet. evidently this year that will not be so. i agree that it's hard to imagine a bunch of swimmers not bringing their own snacks and water - i am not sure what the silver medal sponsor ship is for....dinner with the officials .....we usually get the gold medal sponsorship if only to not have to schlep water and snacks but not this year.....i think it will be the same at omaha and then perhaps back to "normal."
  • I agree with all of the posts here. $175 is too high for our budget. Besides, when you work out the cost per meal and snack, it's ridiculous. I also feel it is ridiculous for them to think swimmers won't bring in their own food. We want to stick with what we know works, rather than take our chances with what we might find at the concessions. I'm sure the concessions will be ridiculously expensive, as well. :2cents:
  • I've tried to explore what options for eating might be outside of the venue via google maps. There are a couple of restaurants within walking distance but not a lot. When traveling a great distance to swim meets I must admit it's rather nice to not have to worry about at least two of your meals and snacks for each day of the trip. On the other hand, if not many people chose this option due to cost, there the fear that the catering could suffer to save on cost. I'm on the fence... I know this might make a few eye's roll but if the organizers have the info available, perhaps they could let us know who the caterer is and what a typical menu might be. Forty plus dollars a day for Breakfast and Lunch and snacks is rather steep but I'm betting others could be sold on the idea given some perspective and the ability to weigh convenience and product versus cost...
  • What's going on with the Gold Medal Sponsorship for Spring Nationals? Last spring it was $75. This year it is $175. I don't understand why it would go up so much. I am having a hard time imagining what could be worth that much.I'm with you. I'll be Silver this year, I believe.
  • Hill has posted an explanation in another thread. It is very clear. I am not sure what I will do.
  • Hill has posted an explanation in another thread. It is very clear. I am not sure what I will do. Besides ignoring Geek's last post, I know what I will do: Not purchase a Gold Medal Sponsorship. Because of what we will already be spending for gas, hotel room and dinners, we feel our budget for this event is maxed out. I purchased the Gold Medal Sponsorship last year and will do it again at future Nationals, if it's affordable. Meanwhile, the question, as Fort posed it, remains: Are they going to search our bags? :worms: Edit: I just noticed Geek's post has been removed from the thread...