2013 Nationals

I guess it's not official yet, but the Championships Committee meeting minutes suggest the 2013 short course meet will be in Indy and the long course meet will be in Mission Viejo. It was nice to see that for both meets there was actually a competition, with Austin also bidding for SC and San Antonio for LC. Indy and Mission look like good choice to me. What does everyone else think?
  • I was there thanks to my Type 40 TARDIS.You were amazing.I thought he had you til you split 22.34 for that last 50 M.Amazing.Kirk was right,in that last 25 M when the water started boiling in your wake even the announcers were speechless. this is good info. I'd better get cracking with the :roids: since I've only got 4 years to bulk up. how do I manage to boil the pool? By providing a urine sample during the race? Honestly it DOES sound like something I would do...
  • I was there thanks to my Type 40 TARDIS.You were amazing.I thought he had you til you split 22.34 for that last 50 M.Amazing.Kirk was right,in that last 25 M when the water started boiling in your wake even the announcers were speechless. this is good info. I'd better get cracking with the :roids: since I've only got 4 years to bulk up. how do I manage to boil the pool? By providing a urine sample during the race? Honestly it DOES sound like something I would do...
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