Most Recent National "Championship Commitee" Minutes

If you attend USMS Nationals and care about the goings on of this "important" event, keep an eye out for this committee's work. They care about your experience and they make decisions that affect your big competitive event of the season! (the latest)
  • The common idea of bringing in a bunch of pizza and sodas to feed timers isn't possible inside the Quest Center. Because of the concessions contract inside the arena, all food must be purchased from the licensed vendor and the cost is at least $40/day/person even for barebones food. Therefore it is cost prohibitive to feed the timers. The cost for GMS passes in Omaha is expected to reflect this higher food cost. The original intent of GMS was to raise additional funds for the Host but with rising food costs the profit margin has been slim (for example I imagine there was little to no profit margin for the catered spread we had in Puerto Rico). In short, GMS will be available in Omaha but the passes will be more expensive. Jeff So will GMS services be provided by the meet hosts or by the vending contract holder?
  • The common idea of bringing in a bunch of pizza and sodas to feed timers isn't possible inside the Quest Center. Because of the concessions contract inside the arena, all food must be purchased from the licensed vendor and the cost is at least $40/day/person even for barebones food. Therefore it is cost prohibitive to feed the timers. The cost for GMS passes in Omaha is expected to reflect this higher food cost. The original intent of GMS was to raise additional funds for the Host but with rising food costs the profit margin has been slim (for example I imagine there was little to no profit margin for the catered spread we had in Puerto Rico). In short, GMS will be available in Omaha but the passes will be more expensive. Jeff So will GMS services be provided by the meet hosts or by the vending contract holder?
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