2012 Spring Nationals

OK, now that Spring Nationals are over for 2011 (sounds like the hosts did a FANTASTIC job!!!!!), it's time to turn our attention (or at least mine) to Greensboro, NC. Who is going? Who wants to grudge? I will be there ready to rock and roll in the 50,100,200 Free, 50,100 Fly and some random 6th event that I'm not sure of right now. I'll be aging out of the dreaded 40-44 into the easier and much less competitive 45-49...........oh wait.......craaaaaaaaaaap. Look forward to seeing all of you there!!!!
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    I doubt very many.People seem to rarely enter faster times than they can do(as opposed to sandbagging).Also of course you can enter 3 events at Nats without any qualifying. I can enter 3 events period, regardless of time right:bliss:?. Its the only Nat'nl lvl invitational I know of :) . But I doubt the www.usms.org/.../nqt.pdf will be a problem if I continue consistently (ande's SFF tip 53 Accountability; tip 54 Show up!) getting in the water (now 9-12)hrs a week, hopefully more soon the next 4+months. During 2003-2006 my 3 'best' events in SCY: 200fr- 1:41 200bk-1:53 400im-4:08 In reality I do not know if I could reach these times again, but I will try. I am now a little longer, stronger, and a lot wiser...but completely/totally/110% out of shape yet still good things are happening(the belly and man-**** are starting to disappear....). Lately I've been swimming for the first time since '06, and am having a blast. I am now "taking in" so much more from this sport as an adult. I hope I could reach US masters Nat times by April; if not, I guess I need to hit the pool more :D
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    I doubt very many.People seem to rarely enter faster times than they can do(as opposed to sandbagging).Also of course you can enter 3 events at Nats without any qualifying. I can enter 3 events period, regardless of time right:bliss:?. Its the only Nat'nl lvl invitational I know of :) . But I doubt the www.usms.org/.../nqt.pdf will be a problem if I continue consistently (ande's SFF tip 53 Accountability; tip 54 Show up!) getting in the water (now 9-12)hrs a week, hopefully more soon the next 4+months. During 2003-2006 my 3 'best' events in SCY: 200fr- 1:41 200bk-1:53 400im-4:08 In reality I do not know if I could reach these times again, but I will try. I am now a little longer, stronger, and a lot wiser...but completely/totally/110% out of shape yet still good things are happening(the belly and man-**** are starting to disappear....). Lately I've been swimming for the first time since '06, and am having a blast. I am now "taking in" so much more from this sport as an adult. I hope I could reach US masters Nat times by April; if not, I guess I need to hit the pool more :D
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