Judy Gillies of Arizona is looking for a roommate for the Puerto Rico Long Course Nationals. She has reserved a room at the Marriott Courtyard for August 7 through August 14.
Judy can be reached by email at: ArizChair (at) usms (dot) org
It looks like Judy has found a roommate. I also need a roommate. I have a reservation for the Embassy Suites (yes, it is pricey, but breakfast is included). My reservations are for the 8th to the 15th, two bed, suite. I am in the 40 - 44 age group. Female, non-smoking, non-snoring, non-wacko freestyler/backstroker.
It looks like Judy has found a roommate. I also need a roommate. I have a reservation for the Embassy Suites (yes, it is pricey, but breakfast is included). My reservations are for the 8th to the 15th, two bed, suite. I am in the 40 - 44 age group. Female, non-smoking, non-snoring, non-wacko freestyler/backstroker.