Atlanta 2010: Where's the energy?

Haven't seen much about Atlanta next May. Seems like a National LMSC challenge would get a few swimmers motivated. Seems there ought to be a way to break up teams so that they are roughly comparable. What about a heavyweight division (100+ swimmers), light heavyweight division (75-100) middleweight (50-75) and lightweight (under 50)?
  • Haven't seen much about Atlanta next May. Seems like a National LMSC challenge would get a few swimmers motivated. Seems there ought to be a way to break up teams so that they are roughly comparable. What about a heavyweight division (100+ swimmers), light heavyweight division (75-100) middleweight (50-75) and lightweight (under 50)? There will be plenty of energy directed Atlanta's way, but first we've got a LCM Championship in Indianapolis, SCM season, and the winter to deal with.:D As far as your suggestion about an LMSC Challenge, see the rule book section on Championship Scoring, or check out these threads: and:
  • Haven't seen much about Atlanta next May. Seems like a National LMSC challenge would get a few swimmers motivated. Seems there ought to be a way to break up teams so that they are roughly comparable. What about a heavyweight division (100+ swimmers), light heavyweight division (75-100) middleweight (50-75) and lightweight (under 50)? There will be plenty of energy directed Atlanta's way, but first we've got a LCM Championship in Indianapolis, SCM season, and the winter to deal with.:D As far as your suggestion about an LMSC Challenge, see the rule book section on Championship Scoring, or check out these threads: and:
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