Hey, how about we start a thread about the proposed 2010 SCY Nationals.
Wait, I just did that!
OK, it looks like Georgia Tech submitted a bid to host this meet. Any other bidders?
That is awesome news! and a group of 4 of us that swim together in Atlanta are going to go for it!!
I have looked into some local swim meets for qualifying. Does anyone know what requirements there are to having a valid qualifying time? Do meets have to be USMS sanctioned? What if I swim in a USASwimming meet that has an "open" category? What about a local developmental meet? Do I have to be a USMS member when I obtain the time or can I register later? How long is a time good for (i.e. when can I obtain a national time for 2010?)?
Also, I'm looking at the National Qualifying Times for 2009 (last updated 9/29/08). WIll them times change for 2010? Are the new times available?
What's the best place to go to keep up with info on the 2010 nationals in terms of dates, event listing, deadlines, etc.?
Remember, you get to swim any three events at Nationals because you are a registered USMS member. You can swim up to three bonus events by meeting the associated NQT. While I am not on the Championship Committee (CC), I do beleive that if you have met the NQT of an event in any official competition (and converting times from different courses would be OK too) that is perfectly acceptable.
Again, not an official answer but I'm pretty sure you would need to be a registered USMS member when your swims occurred, just to be safe.
I do not believe that there is any validation of NQTs with regards to entries. I'm pretty sure it's on the honor system. Then again, if the NQT for 200 Free say is 2:00.00 and you enter at 1:59.00 and swim a 2:30.00 you might get some strange looks.
Info on 2010 Nats will be listed under Nationals in the Competion section of the USMS home page. I would imagine that more solid info would start to appear late this year for SCY and early next for LCM.
NQTs are calculated using the average of last three years TOP 10 10th place time for each age group event. The CC then takes that time and adds a certain percentage. Last year (08) it was +10% for all events, for 2009 they added +15% for 50-100 distances and +10% for distances of 200 and up. So until this year's Top 10 in each distance is calculated, the NQTs for 2010 can not yet be determined plus the CC needs to determine the adjustment for next year.
I think NQTs have had to been achieved in the last 2 years prior to the first day of the Nationals event.
That is awesome news! and a group of 4 of us that swim together in Atlanta are going to go for it!!
I have looked into some local swim meets for qualifying. Does anyone know what requirements there are to having a valid qualifying time? Do meets have to be USMS sanctioned? What if I swim in a USASwimming meet that has an "open" category? What about a local developmental meet? Do I have to be a USMS member when I obtain the time or can I register later? How long is a time good for (i.e. when can I obtain a national time for 2010?)?
Also, I'm looking at the National Qualifying Times for 2009 (last updated 9/29/08). WIll them times change for 2010? Are the new times available?
What's the best place to go to keep up with info on the 2010 nationals in terms of dates, event listing, deadlines, etc.?
Remember, you get to swim any three events at Nationals because you are a registered USMS member. You can swim up to three bonus events by meeting the associated NQT. While I am not on the Championship Committee (CC), I do beleive that if you have met the NQT of an event in any official competition (and converting times from different courses would be OK too) that is perfectly acceptable.
Again, not an official answer but I'm pretty sure you would need to be a registered USMS member when your swims occurred, just to be safe.
I do not believe that there is any validation of NQTs with regards to entries. I'm pretty sure it's on the honor system. Then again, if the NQT for 200 Free say is 2:00.00 and you enter at 1:59.00 and swim a 2:30.00 you might get some strange looks.
Info on 2010 Nats will be listed under Nationals in the Competion section of the USMS home page. I would imagine that more solid info would start to appear late this year for SCY and early next for LCM.
NQTs are calculated using the average of last three years TOP 10 10th place time for each age group event. The CC then takes that time and adds a certain percentage. Last year (08) it was +10% for all events, for 2009 they added +15% for 50-100 distances and +10% for distances of 200 and up. So until this year's Top 10 in each distance is calculated, the NQTs for 2010 can not yet be determined plus the CC needs to determine the adjustment for next year.
I think NQTs have had to been achieved in the last 2 years prior to the first day of the Nationals event.