OK, I don't have a life...I am already stoked about swimming in the IUPUI pool next August. I think I am one of the few (former) midwesterners who has not swum in that facility. Have always wanted to go to Nationals there but something always came up.
Not in 2009!!!
A bunch of us from Arizona are already planning on going. Yes, even Jeff (Short Course) Commings is going to be a part of this meet! It should be a fun and fast event. Digging the all relay day on Saturday, good job Mel and Kris!
Anybody else stoked?
I'll look for a SCM travel meet instead.
There will be three SCM meets in AZ in 2009 that you may consider. Weather is beautiful in the fall and you have lots of wonderful places to experience. The Ron Johnson Invitational at ASU in November is the largest meet and draws a lot of people. It's in downtown Tempe, which is a cool place to hang out. Plus, the light rail system should be up and running then. You could fly into the airport and catch the train to the pool if you are so inclined.
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I'll look for a SCM travel meet instead.
There will be three SCM meets in AZ in 2009 that you may consider. Weather is beautiful in the fall and you have lots of wonderful places to experience. The Ron Johnson Invitational at ASU in November is the largest meet and draws a lot of people. It's in downtown Tempe, which is a cool place to hang out. Plus, the light rail system should be up and running then. You could fly into the airport and catch the train to the pool if you are so inclined.
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