2009 LCM Nationals in Indy (IUPUI)

OK, I don't have a life...I am already stoked about swimming in the IUPUI pool next August. I think I am one of the few (former) midwesterners who has not swum in that facility. Have always wanted to go to Nationals there but something always came up. Not in 2009!!! A bunch of us from Arizona are already planning on going. Yes, even Jeff (Short Course) Commings is going to be a part of this meet! It should be a fun and fast event. Digging the all relay day on Saturday, good job Mel and Kris! Anybody else stoked?
  • I'll bet beers with anyone that Fort will never have a meet that she doesn't complain about a ton prior to the meet. :thhbbb: And I'll bet beers that hell will freeze over before the 5 pack freestylers don't have their events spread perfectly over the course of a meet. :thhbbb: Or how about a Zone meet with the 100 fly and 100 free back to back? What, you've never had to do that?! :thhbbb: I swam the 100 back once last year in SCY because it was always back to back with another fly event. Oh, yeah, that happened at LCM Zones too ... Not hours of rest there, that's for sure. More like minutes. Seriously, the fly-back swimmers always take it on the chin. If the pain were spread around more evenly, I wouldn't complain. When it's always the same, it gets discouraging and annoying. Right now, my plan is to swim in junior and senior champs with the kids next summer unless the order of events is changed. Paying a lot of money to swim 3 of my best events back to back on the last day of a long travel meet doesn't sound like a good plan. :shakeshead: And ragging on me will not change my mind. Don't know if enough of my teammates will even go for relays, Muppet.
  • I'll bet beers with anyone that Fort will never have a meet that she doesn't complain about a ton prior to the meet. :thhbbb: And I'll bet beers that hell will freeze over before the 5 pack freestylers don't have their events spread perfectly over the course of a meet. :thhbbb: Or how about a Zone meet with the 100 fly and 100 free back to back? What, you've never had to do that?! :thhbbb: I swam the 100 back once last year in SCY because it was always back to back with another fly event. Oh, yeah, that happened at LCM Zones too ... Not hours of rest there, that's for sure. More like minutes. Seriously, the fly-back swimmers always take it on the chin. If the pain were spread around more evenly, I wouldn't complain. When it's always the same, it gets discouraging and annoying. Right now, my plan is to swim in junior and senior champs with the kids next summer unless the order of events is changed. Paying a lot of money to swim 3 of my best events back to back on the last day of a long travel meet doesn't sound like a good plan. :shakeshead: And ragging on me will not change my mind. Don't know if enough of my teammates will even go for relays, Muppet.
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