I have noticed that if I go to the Competition/Nationals tab from the home page, that the info for LCM Nationals does not yet link (via the title) to the nationals page.
I meant to send this by e-mail to the webmasters, but from the Contact USMS page, when I click on "Submit Feedback/Requests to web team", I get "Error 404 - Document Not Found". (Doh!)
:wiggle:I just completed registering for the Nat'l LCM'S . Need to say WOW. The site was effecient even to the degree of supplying my times in the events I chose. Cheers to the Techies who have made this so SIMPLE..THANKYOU TO WHOMEVER. :applaud:
:wiggle:I just completed registering for the Nat'l LCM'S . Need to say WOW. The site was effecient even to the degree of supplying my times in the events I chose. Cheers to the Techies who have made this so SIMPLE..THANKYOU TO WHOMEVER. :applaud: