Sorry I am not a swimmer but your sport is great. One of my coworkers has a daughter swimming at nats and I was looking around for a webcast. Couldnt find one although I did find the Hytek live results page. If anyone knows of a webcast and could provide the link that would be great.
try, there were several folks walking around the deck with Floswimming t-shirts on and carrying photography equipment.
Here's the link for some videos:
Patrick King
You'll have to go to the heat sheet and find the swimmer you're looking for, and then go to floswimming and find the corresponding event and heat number. They recorded a lot of events, but there are some which there are no videos at all for. For example, I think they got every heat of the 100 IM, but got no 200/500 free heats. I could be a bit off with that stat though.