A live stream would be awesome! I want to check out Allen Stark swimming that 200 butterfrog. Plus, seeing everyone wince and moan and groan over their shoulders and knees would be amusing. Fighting over coffee cups and ice packs. All good stuff.
Along that line, do they ever stream the races. I just watched my nieces run in the AAU Junior Olympics. Eventhough I couldn't get there, it was great to watch it on my computer...LIVE.
Yes I was :groovy: for them!
The AAU JO were 8am to 6pm for 8 days. I am not an IT Geek but I don't think the cost is very high, mostly bandwidth.
AAU needed 3+ cameras. A swim meet could get away with one.
I still think that, as an interim measure, that streaming the live announcing feed would be a gas as a supplement to the heat by heat results now.
Mark Gill does a great job. That would be nice.
Attention fans. Do you have a camera? If so turn it towards you, and take a picture. If you are blinded by a flash, your flash is on! Turn it off!