Is there a tally on the number of swimmers registered at SCY Natls in Federal Way now that registrations are closed? I heard a rumor...
Also, for the events swum by age group is it oldest to youngest within an event?
Paige, yes, the older folks swim before the younger folks. It gives the "seasoned veteran" a chance to show the young pups what they can do.
Or as I like to look at it, have 60+ year old Rich Abrahams humble me 30 minutes before I can even get in the pool and even attempt to hit the :50 second mark for a 100y free :notworthy:
With the exception of the 500, 100, 1650 free, and 400 IM which are seeded strictly by time.
edit: now I see you said "for the events swum by age group," so nevermind! I was going to delete this post but don't see that option anymore. :confused: