WHY the rule this year regarding 1000 OR 1650 but not BOTH?
I have been swimming both, back to back, consistently, in championship meets (and BTW placing in the top 10) for several years. Distance is my forte and it's simply not fair to restrict a swimmer from doing both, especially if they can "handle" it. There are all sorts of qualifying rules, a simple restriction / requirement on times could solve any perceived problems by the meet administrators. IMHO this is NOT FAIR....:(
Actually, in short course meets, if 2000 show up, they most likely will get their sixth event. The championship committee has enforced the 6th event rule at long course nationals several times, but I do not believe it is used often at short course meets. In 2003, Tempe nationals had 1922 swimmer and the 6th event was kept.
Actually, in short course meets, if 2000 show up, they most likely will get their sixth event. The championship committee has enforced the 6th event rule at long course nationals several times, but I do not believe it is used often at short course meets. In 2003, Tempe nationals had 1922 swimmer and the 6th event was kept.