I hope parking is .25 cents a day or under.... I had to sell my soul and many material things to get out to CA. I mean I'm spending at least 1,000.00 just to get out there. Looks like power bars for breakfast and a shake for lunch everyday.
Living on my credit cards is becoming a reality.
It would be nice to catch a break once and awhile......
There is no overnight RV or Trailer Parking on the Stanford Campus. Parking for competitors and spectators will be in the Galvez lot at the corner of Galvez and Campus Drive. There will be a nominal charge for parking which will be posted on this site, with a map by 7/15/06. The lot is about 250 meters from the pool area.
I sympathize with your concern over the expense of Worlds. I still haven't figured out what to do for lodging; the family connection I had all worked out months ago is suddenly no longner an option. How on earth do people afford a week's worth of hotel? When I heard about the parking, I just figured that it was par for the course.
I've given some thought to upgrading to an SUV for my rental and living out of it for the week. It's warm enough in CA to sleep in a car, right? ...I'm kidding...I think...maybe not...