The 2006 International Swimming Hall of Fame Honors Recognition Dinner will be on Saturday, May 13th, 2006 in Fort Lauderdale. This is the Saturday of SCY Nationals.
The Hall of Fame will be recognizing:
Jane Asher - GBR Honor Masters Swimmer
Joe Bottom - USA
Flip Darr - USA
Carlo Dibiasi - ITA
Tom Dolan - USA
Igor Milanovic - YUG
Susan O'Neil - AUS
Kieren Perkins - AUS
Alison Streeter - GBR
Xiong Ni - CHN
After the recognition, there is a Bug Greenspan Tribute.
Information is available at the International Swimming Hall of Fame Website .
Tickets for the dinner are $150/person, but it is tax deductible.
If anyone would like to put a Masters table together, contact me , Michael Moore . The Hall of Fame is a great repository of things associated with swimming. If you have not been there, it is well worth the effort when you are in the Miami/Fort Lauderdale area.
The Hall is now under new management. Bruce Wigo has done a great job of putting the hall back into shape. We can all be proud of what he has done for our sport and we should support the Hall.
Looking forward to seeing many of you at Nationals