Does anyone know when information will be available for this event, such as order of events and negotiated hotel rates on the shuttle route, etc.? Thanks.
The meet organizer for this event didn't have a choice about the schedule that they had to use. The meet schedules are prepared by a committee of the championship and voted on by the delegates from your LMSC (and all the others) at the House of Delegates meeting at convention. There are typically seven different meet schedules presented to the House and by a process of elemination, they are removed until only 3 remain. These are then the schedules that will be used at the long course and short course nationals for the next 3 years. The current list of schedules ( on page 42 of the rulebook and on the USMS website) will last until 2007).
This year we are using schedule 1 and *** and IM are close to each other in 2 out of 3 IM's. Schedules 2 and 3 are much better in that regard, so hang in there. The schedule changes each meet so you have a good chance of not having the same problem every time you go to nationals.
Just so folks are aware, swimmers are surveyed every so often ask to what events they would least like to see back to back in the meet. The top 10 selections off of this list are used in determining possible orders of events. Also, we avoid putting two events of the same stroke on the same day (freestyle excluded) such as the 50 and 100 backstroke.
If anyone has a fair and balances schedule that they would like to suggest, please feel free to submit it to the chair of the championship committee, Mark Moore. We are always welcome to suggestions.
The meet organizer for this event didn't have a choice about the schedule that they had to use. The meet schedules are prepared by a committee of the championship and voted on by the delegates from your LMSC (and all the others) at the House of Delegates meeting at convention. There are typically seven different meet schedules presented to the House and by a process of elemination, they are removed until only 3 remain. These are then the schedules that will be used at the long course and short course nationals for the next 3 years. The current list of schedules ( on page 42 of the rulebook and on the USMS website) will last until 2007).
This year we are using schedule 1 and *** and IM are close to each other in 2 out of 3 IM's. Schedules 2 and 3 are much better in that regard, so hang in there. The schedule changes each meet so you have a good chance of not having the same problem every time you go to nationals.
Just so folks are aware, swimmers are surveyed every so often ask to what events they would least like to see back to back in the meet. The top 10 selections off of this list are used in determining possible orders of events. Also, we avoid putting two events of the same stroke on the same day (freestyle excluded) such as the 50 and 100 backstroke.
If anyone has a fair and balances schedule that they would like to suggest, please feel free to submit it to the chair of the championship committee, Mark Moore. We are always welcome to suggestions.