2005 LCM - give your teammates a little boost!

Former Member
Former Member
This is starting to be a trend in our area when a particular lady took a 1/2 page ad to plug her husband at one of the zone meets, and he was very pleasantly surprised, you may wish to participate as well... Individuals and teams are purchasing 1/2 or 1/4 page AD's in our meet program to give their team or particular teammates a little plug and some recognition. You can have text, graphics, pretty much whatever you want to put in that space, black and white or grayscale. Photos of your swimmers, team picture, something inspirational, a short story about a particular swimmer that you think deserves to be highlighted... Meet programs are given to all competitors at registration as a part of their goodie bag, and more will be available for purchase. Lot of swimmers hold on to the programs as a keepsake from the meet. I know I do. Quarter page ads are $100 and 1/2 page ads are $150. We are finding that 1/2 page ads are generating most interest. Bigger spots are also available. Feel free to contact me at webmaster@mastersmvnswim.org if you have questions or wish to place an ad. MORE INFO