Both distance events at Nationals?

Someone the other day told me that swimmers can enter both the 1000 and the 1650. I couldn't believe it. I looked on the meet sheet very carefully (in SWIM magazine) and it said in the Number of Events section, " A swimmer may enter both the 1000 or 1650 only if they meet the NQT in at least one of these events." The "both" and the "or" don't go together. If it is true that you may enter both it should say "1000 and 1650". However, I could interpret this as: If I qualify for the 1000, but not the 1650 I could still swim the 1650 because I qualify for the 1000. Then the wording should read " A swimmer may enter "either" (not both)... Just a clarification. Also, someone asked about the placing and if there were awards. I told them that it should say in the meet information and that it is usually medals. They said it didn't say. I did not find an awards section either. Help :)