parking at SC Nats

Former Member
Former Member
Hi! I've swam a handful of meets at the Hall of Fame pool in Lauderdale and found at a few of them, parking filled up rather quickly. These weren't national meets, or even zone meets when the parking ran out before the meet began. For those driving to the pool, how will the host handle parking? Is there additional parking nearby? It's a pretty hectic area. I'd hate to think it's a case of getting to the meet hours before it starts just to have a place to park! Thanks for the help
  • Debbie, Do you mean one mile rather than one block? I don't remember a bridge within a block of the pool. Speaking of Nationals, could you talk to Stu or whoever is organizing the venue and see if it is possible to have a designated sprint lane in the 20 lane warm up pool. This would be nice for those of us too lazy to wake up for the warm up in the competion pool. Thanks
  • Debbie, Do you mean one mile rather than one block? I don't remember a bridge within a block of the pool. Speaking of Nationals, could you talk to Stu or whoever is organizing the venue and see if it is possible to have a designated sprint lane in the 20 lane warm up pool. This would be nice for those of us too lazy to wake up for the warm up in the competion pool. Thanks
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