I entered using an online entry and received a reply but still had to send this with a check. Will USMS send another notification once they have received my check. If they didn't receive my check for some reason, will they let me know? This is my first national meet; I'm afraid of something going wrong with the registration!
Just got my confirmation today. 2nd best news, behind the dropping of the 6th event. (Which for me was the 400 IM... I tried a 100 fly recently and regretted it. :D )
I did the online entry, and mailed the check on July 6th, if anyone else is still waiting.
I mailed my check on the same date and entered on line but have heard nothing yet
Hope it comes soon. This makes me nervous, anxious and all the
things that have to do with waiting.
I entered in late June and sent the check immediately and still haven't received confirmation. Now I'm panicking! Who should I contact to find out if my information was received?
i wouldn't panic yet... i sent my entry (electronically) and the check on the same day (june 23rd), and JUST got confirmation back yesterday that my check was received.
I also sent my check June 23. The check has been cashed and I have a copy of it, but no confirmation. Should I contact someone, or will a copy of the cancelled check be enough?
Don't worry, I'm thinking about my swims too, but just this year I entered a meet, drove four hours to swim in it only to find meet officials lost my information and I was hastily thrown into the meet and swam in slow heats. So, after having dealt with that once, I'd hate to go through it again. But I emailed Jim the webmaster and he said everything was all set, so I'm chilling.