Team Divisions

Will the rule ever change that regular teams compete against each other at Nationals? By this I mean that whole states (Colorado, Illinois, etc) come together as a team once a year. What about us "little" guys that always compete together (and work out at the same pool all year round)? Why can't these huge "state" teams stay small and just be in the small or medium divisions like the rest of us? (In my humble opinion- it's very humble- I don't see relays as a reason for this). Many teams don't have enough people for relays... that's the way it is.
  • Right, out with the whole team division thing!!!! Let's tell the championship committee that our self-esteem balloons will be damaged if we lose. Although, I bet we could come up with some interesting alternative categories, where're Tom and Connie?! And no more relays either. I'm so out of shape I don't get to be on any anyway :( Wahhhhhhhhhhhh. (very whiney, indeed) (I sent you an e-mail.)
  • Right, out with the whole team division thing!!!! Let's tell the championship committee that our self-esteem balloons will be damaged if we lose. Although, I bet we could come up with some interesting alternative categories, where're Tom and Connie?! And no more relays either. I'm so out of shape I don't get to be on any anyway :( Wahhhhhhhhhhhh. (very whiney, indeed) (I sent you an e-mail.)
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