When will the information for 2004 SCY Nationals be posted?
I also read there are deadline dates out, but I have not seen an entry form yet, are these available?
Being February, and reading the deadline is early March I am starting to get a little worried I might have missed something. For all previous Nationals I participated the information was online at the USMS website well in advance. Anyone have any information they could share? and an entry form link they would be willing to share?
Our Webmaster is doing final testing now. As soon as everything tests out ok, the on-line entry system and meet info for the 2003 National Short Course Championships in Indy will be posted. The goal was to have this done by February 1.
Hey Hugo,
You have not missed anything, or if you have, then I have also. I have not seen the electronic format for the Nationals registration but it was in the last SWIM mag.
See ya this weekend in Cincy.
Thanks for the info. I guess I was one down since my SWIM magazine never arrived, so I haven't seen the paper copy of entry form, or any information on SCY Nationals. I will just be patient and wait until the online version is up.
Greg, see ya saturday