Anyone know what the entry deadline will be for the SCY 2004 national meet?
Reason I ask -- the meet is rather early this year (April 22-25). In New England, we are looking to schedule our local SCY championship meet. It would be nice to be able to have our meet before the entry deadline for the nationals, so that people can use times from our meet to enter.
(Seems to me it makes sense for USMS to push the entry deadline as close to the meet as practical, since I imagine lots of other LMSCs will have SCY championship meets right around the entry deadline.)
I am the liaison from the Championship Committee for this meet. The meet information is not yet available to the public until it is finalized after the United States Aquatic Sports convention later this month. Changes may be made to it due to rules changes, Championship Committee discussion, etc.
We have some option to change the due dates, but I doubt that we could alter it enough to have it be after most LMSC championship meets anyway. There is a lot of data entry and processing after the due date and we have to allow enough time for the meet host to do a thorough job. However, I will take your comments to convention.
I am the liaison from the Championship Committee for this meet. The meet information is not yet available to the public until it is finalized after the United States Aquatic Sports convention later this month. Changes may be made to it due to rules changes, Championship Committee discussion, etc.
We have some option to change the due dates, but I doubt that we could alter it enough to have it be after most LMSC championship meets anyway. There is a lot of data entry and processing after the due date and we have to allow enough time for the meet host to do a thorough job. However, I will take your comments to convention.