Does anyone know where and when the Canadian Nationals will be held in 2004? Since USMS Nationals will be held in April, I'd like to swim USMS and Canadian Nationals.
I had a lot of trouble with my asthma at the same pool when they last swam Can Nats there & I thought it might be altitude (although nothing by Colorado standards), but a local swimmer who was also asthmatic & having problems sais it was not altitude but this: she said that when pool was built for Commonwealth Games it had to have an air circulation/evacuation system built in to certain standards. This system is so expensive to run that they charge extra to orgainizations staging events there & Can Nats orgainizers had not paid the fee, hence very poor air circulation. I don't know if that story was true, but in 18 years of Masters meets I had never had such problems.
By your recent post, are you suggesting that Edmonton's altitude will affect your decision making in some way? Will the altitude determine if you will attend or not? Will it determine which events you will/will not swim? Are you going for a certain standard/record and feel that you will have much better chances at a lower altitude?
I am just curious as to why exactly, for you, the concern over Edmonton's altitude.
I understand the physiological effect of PP02 (partial pressure of oxygen in the air) on blood oxygenation and resulting aerobic output quite well. I am just curious about your comment, that's all.
Like Peters post before, I have trouble swimming at altitude. I have asthma and find that some places are better than others to swim. No offense to Edmunton, I have never been there before but have swam in Saskatoon and loved it. Also all the Vancouver pools were great. I would only be swimming sprints anyway so am told it doesn't make that much of a difference. If the ventilation system is not good that would be a deterrent because I have been in pools before that I have had major attacks from the ventalation not being good and it is no fun not being able to get your breath. Let alone having to swim after u have an attack.
Takes a lot out of a person. But thanz for asking.