I went to a short course Nationals many years ago (Fort Lauderdale) in which swimmers were allowed to swim both the 1000 and 1650, on the same day. Why is it that distance swimmers must choose between their 2 best events while there are 9 events of 100 yards or less? Also, it seems that distance swimmers are always required to miss the most amount of work since the 1000/1650 are always first (Thursday). I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I'm not sure what the reasoning was for only allowing 1 distance event (outside of time). It seems as if they could be swum on different days as they are at USS Nationals or any USS meet for that matter. Just curious.
Blessed With No Speed
They should have the 1650 at the beginning of the meet and the 1000 at the end of nationals or vice versa. Plus, put some other events on the first day instead of all the long distance races. They did this all the time when I was an age group swimmer in the Regional Championship meets every year. This whole idea of having the 1000 and 1650 on the same day is ludicrous to me even though I don't swim those events that regularly.
They should have the 1650 at the beginning of the meet and the 1000 at the end of nationals or vice versa. Plus, put some other events on the first day instead of all the long distance races. They did this all the time when I was an age group swimmer in the Regional Championship meets every year. This whole idea of having the 1000 and 1650 on the same day is ludicrous to me even though I don't swim those events that regularly.