Enforcement of NQT's for National Championships

Has the Championship Committee, or other entity within USMS ever discussed having a more strict policy of enforcement in regards to the NQT's? Why do we state that you must have 3 cuts, in order to swim more events? Why not require a swimmer to have 6 cuts in order to swim 6 events? Just like to understand more from a historical point of view. I have read post that asked, or suggested how to control the size and length of the National meets. Would not having a stricter enforcement of this policy help? Or would it cause swimmers to shy away from these meets? Just a curious thought. Thank you.
  • As I see it the issue of trying to control the size of the meet, is more for the benefit of meet organizers than as an accommodation to the social needs of the participants. From my perspective as a swimmer, if I’m told that my heat of the 1650 free is scheduled to start around 11:00 PM, I’ll sleep late and get to the pool around 9:30PM to warm-up. However, if I’m the meet director trying to gather volunteers who are willing to work a 20 hour day my perspective would be a little different. And, if I have social plan for beer and pizza, I’ll sign-up for the 1000 instead and get the swim finished earlier. And for many of us, the social aspects that draws us to these meets is equally as important as the swimming. If this wasn’t the case, why did so many people go to Tempe. It’s not the fastest pool in the country and the weather wasn’t optimal for record performances. And most people spent hors and hours at the pool while only swimming for seconds or minutes. I wasn’t able to attend, but I know a few people who spent more time socializing then they did competing. Even Tall Paul was known to be doing some fast talking as well as fast swimming.
  • A fast talking event? Us Georgian’s wouldn’t stand a chance against Y’all.
  • That's enough abuse about my spelling from you JB, Phil already covers that just fine (besides, the problem only exists cause Jim M. won't get spellcheck set up on this forum)! Matt, sorry to say that King Louis is out for the French throne, I have it from reliable sources that Ion's in (given that Bucharest has wanted posters of Ion hanging everywhere)! Only problem is France won't take him back becuase he's become so Amercianized, I heard he was even eating a PowerGel at nationals). Rob, sorry to inform you that you we're misinformed r.e. my fast talking. I NEVER talk fast when my mouth is full of pizza and/or beer, that's a feat only my wife has mastered. Lainey, awarding an award for only 1st place in a fast talking event is quite an elitist attitude on your part. Now you need to set some NQTs for the event but be sure not to alienate some of the slower fast talkers (you hearin me Matt Shirley?). :D
  • I was going to stay out of this, having said quite enough already, but since I think I sorta started some of this, I feel obligated to say something more. Gail, expecting Nationals to be over by 5:00 each day is unrealistic. If you want the meet to be that short, then changes would have to be even more drastic than talked about here. Even when we had a much smaller National meet in Elizabethtown in 1999 we weren't finished that early. And there were only 700 swimmers at that meet. And I agree with Rob: when I come to a meet I expect to stay as late as is necessary to swim my event. I'd like a general idea about what time to expect to swim, and I adjust my schedule accordingly. I can be flexible. The social aspect (to me) is every bit as important as the competition, and I do plenty of socializing while at the meet and also after the meet. And Paul, I can do flip turns, so will you have a pizza and a beer with me the next time we're both at Nationals? I never meant for this thread to degenerate into an elite vs. flounders debate. I regret if anything I said fueled that. I want to see Nationals be as inclusive as possible. I realize the need to control the meet, but I don't think it's fair to exclude all but the elite. By the same token, it's not fair to accuse the elite of looking down on everybody else. I think the system we have now, which limits the number of splashes for nonqualifiers, but still allows them to participate at a reduced level, is fair, and allows a reasonable timeline for the meet. To paraphrase what someone said quite a few posts back, it ain't broke (yet) so don't fix it.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    I get the scarcasm in your reply, but there is still the issue of wanting to make the meet smaller so there will be time to socialize. It might be me who doesn't get to swim so you can drink beer and eat pizza. Don't get me wrong, I'd be the first in line at the pizza joint, but not at the expense of someone else who has worked hard, gone through hell to get off work, and spent a lot of money to travel to the meet. The first and most important aspect of the meet is SWIMMING not socializing. Lainey
  • Paul, My sister Valinda, a neighbor in Edwards, was my source, so I’ll blame her for any misinformation. And I hope Laura doesn’t read your posts and find out you have been disclosing her habit of talking fast with a mouth is full of pizza and/or beer. Oh, and by the way congratulations on some great swims in Tempe!!
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    I'm not saying socializing isn't as equally important as swimming to most, what I'm saying is that SWIMMING should be the most important consideration. Or maybe the organization should start giving out medals for 1st place in 50 Fast Talking event.:p
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    That's Slowpokes Paul, LOL. :D Hey, I know whatca mean, in AZ, I had to stay out until past 12 in order to feel satisfied, like I'd have enough beer. It would have been better if I could've started earlier (although, I probably would've still stayed out past 12 anyway, just feel MORE satisfied).:D JB
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    HAH! Tall Paul, I always suspected you were a closet Royalist! While we're at it, let's restore Louis XVIII (or his great-great-grandson) to the throne of France! Off with their heads! Huzzah! (Can I be the Head of the Security Police?) Matt "Le Dauphin" Shirley
  • Has the Championship Committee, or other entity within USMS ever discussed having a more strict policy of enforcement in regards to the NQT's? Greetings- I wanted to play catch-up to the issue at hand. I have been away on business travel. I would like to address your attention back to my first question in quotes above. Simply put, who/whom is USMS monitors the NQT? Are they enforced? If so how? And if not, then why have NQT’s? Just like to understand more from a historical point of view. I have read posts that asked, or suggested how to control the size and length of the National meets. I have been swimming Masters for only 7 years. I am now just getting started to be involves at the LMSC and National level. Again I am trying to obtain information, and not suggesting that the system must change. I want to know "What is the system?" And this is not the first time this topic has come up. Obviously the USMS Board has some work to do. Would not having a stricter enforcement of this policy help? Or would it cause swimmers to shy away from these meets? Last quote from the original thread above. Again bottom line here is for information purposes only. If we made it stricter, would that help with the size, speed of the meet? If this was to take place, would this cause USMS numbers to drop off? I am not trying to take anything from anyone. I suggested in a different thread about adding 3 relays (400 Free & Medley, and the 800 Free) to Nationals. WHY you ask? Is it because I want to see the meet last until the wee hours of the next morning? NO, it is because I am trying to create opportunities for people to swim. Yes, I would like to swim a 400 or 800 relay at Nationals. Beside it might be fun to do something different than has been done before. So really here are the questions that need answers. 1. Are NQT's important? Why are they important? 2. Are NQT's valid? How do we make them valid? 3. What purpose do they serve in the current form? 4. Should NQT's be re-elevated? If they need to be then how is this accomplished? I know, understand and support to mission of USMS. There are many good things about it. Obviously there are many of us that feel one way or another about this particular subject, which is a good thing. It shows that we care about our fellow swimmers as well as USMS. The system is not broken, but it needs some tweaking. Thanks, CJ Rushman Southwest Ohio Masters