Enforcement of NQT's for National Championships

Has the Championship Committee, or other entity within USMS ever discussed having a more strict policy of enforcement in regards to the NQT's? Why do we state that you must have 3 cuts, in order to swim more events? Why not require a swimmer to have 6 cuts in order to swim 6 events? Just like to understand more from a historical point of view. I have read post that asked, or suggested how to control the size and length of the National meets. Would not having a stricter enforcement of this policy help? Or would it cause swimmers to shy away from these meets? Just a curious thought. Thank you.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    "The unfortunate truth here is that there is a capacity beyond which the Nationals will not work, despite our desire for egalitarianism. If that point is reached, it must be dealt with for the good of the meet and, hopefully, done in the most fair manner. And that sure looks like NQT's from where I'm swimming." Assume for a minute that nationals have reached critical mass and the meet becomes too large to handle. It seems to me if you start to enforce NQTs the meet will shrink, perhaps to an undesirablely small level. To my way of thinking, it follows then that once the maximum size the event can be is determined, then NQT's should be be set low enough that the maximum size is obtained for every meet. I still believe that a two tier competition might work. Create a national invitational with truely competitive QTs for elite swimmers and a national open. Swimmers who compete in the invitational would not be eligible to swim in the open, giving the rest of us a chance slightly better than a snowball's to place. :D
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    "The unfortunate truth here is that there is a capacity beyond which the Nationals will not work, despite our desire for egalitarianism. If that point is reached, it must be dealt with for the good of the meet and, hopefully, done in the most fair manner. And that sure looks like NQT's from where I'm swimming." Assume for a minute that nationals have reached critical mass and the meet becomes too large to handle. It seems to me if you start to enforce NQTs the meet will shrink, perhaps to an undesirablely small level. To my way of thinking, it follows then that once the maximum size the event can be is determined, then NQT's should be be set low enough that the maximum size is obtained for every meet. I still believe that a two tier competition might work. Create a national invitational with truely competitive QTs for elite swimmers and a national open. Swimmers who compete in the invitational would not be eligible to swim in the open, giving the rest of us a chance slightly better than a snowball's to place. :D
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