Enforcement of NQT's for National Championships

Has the Championship Committee, or other entity within USMS ever discussed having a more strict policy of enforcement in regards to the NQT's? Why do we state that you must have 3 cuts, in order to swim more events? Why not require a swimmer to have 6 cuts in order to swim 6 events? Just like to understand more from a historical point of view. I have read post that asked, or suggested how to control the size and length of the National meets. Would not having a stricter enforcement of this policy help? Or would it cause swimmers to shy away from these meets? Just a curious thought. Thank you.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    I train by myself and do my own stroke correction. Who am I to blame for my performance shortfalls? Hmmmm.... There are four competitive strokes plus an IM; There are three distances in three of the strokes, plus three more in IM; There are six !! distances in pool Freestyle plus at least four more for open water swimming. If my Math. is correct, therefore, there are around 18 events in which to specialize. I can only do two worth a darn.........Who can I blame for that ? Maybe if someone out there is not happy with their performance, they could try other strokes and/or distances........ Who knows ? That person could be a closet breaststroker !! Or ?? Bert :p
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    I train by myself and do my own stroke correction. Who am I to blame for my performance shortfalls? Hmmmm.... There are four competitive strokes plus an IM; There are three distances in three of the strokes, plus three more in IM; There are six !! distances in pool Freestyle plus at least four more for open water swimming. If my Math. is correct, therefore, there are around 18 events in which to specialize. I can only do two worth a darn.........Who can I blame for that ? Maybe if someone out there is not happy with their performance, they could try other strokes and/or distances........ Who knows ? That person could be a closet breaststroker !! Or ?? Bert :p
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