Laura et al,
I have a 4:40 PM flight back to NY on Sunday and am swimming in the women's 100 free ... any ideas if I am going to make it or should I try to change my flight now?
- Maria Drueckhammer
Isn't the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame social on Friday (or do I have my days mixed up)? If so, 9 pm is a little late to be ending, get to the social, and be in bed early enough if you have an early event on Saturday morning, isn't it? (Or am I just being a party pooper ... )
Isn't the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame social on Friday (or do I have my days mixed up)? If so, 9 pm is a little late to be ending, get to the social, and be in bed early enough if you have an early event on Saturday morning, isn't it? (Or am I just being a party pooper ... )