Any members having problems with "Go the Distance?"

Hi! I'm curious how many members are having problems participating with "Go the Distance". I've raised this issue to USMS and after a year the issue still has not been fixed. Can't participate in GTD. I'm really frustrated because they just raised the cost of registering a club and will be raising the rates for membership. If something like this can't be fixed in a year, why are we raising membership rates?

  • , the integration with the FLOGs will be deployed Thursday. There were a handful of members impacted by this and we apologize for frustrations it caused. Please let us know if you are still having issues on Friday (after disconnecting and reconnecting). 

  • Hi Kyle, I'll experiment over the weekend. When you say disconnecting and reconnecting are you speaking to disconnecting the flog from

  • , you can disconnect by going to the SwimFeed page and hitting the disconnect button on the top right. Because of the storm (we are based in FL), we have pushed this part of the deployment. Everyone should be back online Tuesday to complete it though. Thanks for your patience.