Wondering if there are any competitive swim meets for Masters swimming in the north east USA for 22/23... Preferably new England! I'd love to take part.
Wondering if there are any competitive swim meets for Masters swimming in the north east USA for 22/23... Preferably new England! I'd love to take part.
Great question. Would love to know myself. I'm curious why neither an admin of this forum nor a member responded to your question
The best way to find all meets in your area is to use this link on the USMS site
Thank you!
In New England, there are ~5 fall mini meets, a big December SCM Championship, 1-2 winter mini meets, a big March SCY Championship, 1-2 spring mini meets, and a LCM meet in the summer. During summer there are also a few USMS-sanctioned open water events and dozens of unsanctioned open water events. Follow the USMS Event Calendar at https://www.usms.org/events and also the New England LMSC calendar at https://www.nelmsc.org/calendar.
There are also several meets in other Colonies Zone LMSCs. There will be a big Colonies Zone SCY Championship at Rutgers University in Piscataway, N.J., on April 14-16, 2023.
If you visit the USMS meet results page, you can filter by LMSC. Many of the results listed are from annual events so you can get a feel for what will be available in 2023.
I don't think this board has an administrator.
Thank you. This is very helpful. I appreciate you providing these helpful links!
Got it. Thanks!
This Colonies Zone News February update contains a list of upcoming events, which can also be found on the USMS Calendar of Events: bit.ly/coloniesnews-feb09-2023