The PIC will be held on August 12th. Entries for solo swimmers should be available at Relay entries will be posted on the website next week.
The PIC will be held on August 12th. Entries for solo swimmers should be available at Relay entries will be posted on the website next week.
Two minor suggestions:
1. Provide a direct link.
2. Post in the open-water forum.
If the little blue guy with question marks over his/her head down at the bottom of your post is wondering why I didn't post in the open water discussion forum. I guess I focused to much on the title, Discussion vs Announcement.
Hey Willie (and this is for other OW race directors too, which is why I'm posting it publicly):
Generally there's much more traffic in the OW Forum - especially for an 8+ mile OW swim - than in the Event Announcement Forum.
Also it's easier to sign up for a race if you don't have to search for it.
I think you have one of the most interesting open-water events in North America, so I want as many people as possible to know about it!
Thank you evmo for your suggestions. If the little blue guy with question marks over his/her head down at the bottom of your post is wondering why I didn't post in the open water discussion forum. I guess I focused to much on the title, Discussion vs Announcement.
Thank you again
Hey Willie (and this is for other OW race directors too, which is why I'm posting it publicly):
Generally there's much more traffic in the OW Forum - especially for an 8+ mile OW swim - than in the Event Announcement Forum.
Also it's easier to sign up for a race if you don't have to search for it.
I think you have one of the most interesting open-water events in North America, so I want as many people as possible to know about it!
I'm with Evan. Pennock is on my to-do list for 2013! Especially since I haven't touched foot on the best U.S. state since 1996. ;)
Thank you evmo for your suggestions. If the little blue guy with question marks over his/her head down at the bottom of your post is wondering why I didn't post in the open water discussion forum. I guess I focused to much on the title, Discussion vs Announcement.
Thank you again
Yeah! Thanks to evmo..haha! Ive learned all the whereabouts of the Pennock Island Challenge because of the site direct site given..It really counts!!!