Here is the list of entries (so far) for the 24 Mile Tampa Bay Marathon
Swim, to be held on Saturday, April 23, 2011:
Solo Swimmers
Evan Morrison, 31M, Chicago, IL
Sergio Radovcic, 32M, Delray Beach, FL
Scott Richards, 51M, San Marcos, CA
Barbara Held, 57F, San Diego, CA
Mo Siegel, 59M, Piermont, NY
Bob Needham, 58M, Lake Oswego, OR
Jennifer McCormick, 28F, Cheshire, CT
Alan Morrison, 49M, New York, NY
Don MacDonald, 49M, Barrington, IL
Shamu MacIntyre, 59M, Merritt Island, FL
Anthony McCarley, 51M, Berwyn, PA
3 Y's Guys Swim for Richard
Paul Kiell, 80M, Far Hills, NJ
Martino Caretto, 60M, Basking Ridge, NJ
Douglas Munch, 64M, Cambridge, MA
Entry deadline is March 1st, 2011. Official information and entry forms
are available at