Hello, Fellow Masters Swimmers,
If you have any friends or family members who don't swim or are afraid in water, they should know about this show. I hope you'll tell them!
Though it's a mind-twister to most people that there could possibly be a worthwhile radio show on learning to swim, it's only a mind-twister because most people don't know that for adult beginners, learning to swim begins on land.
Adult beginners, that is, adults who are afraid in deep water, even if they can do some kind of stroke in shallow water, usually approach swimming like this: if I learn proper technique, I'll overcome my fear. This premise is exactly backward. Discussion is needed! This is why learning to swim must begin on land for them.
The "discussion" has been carried on for 10 weeks at The Learn To Swim Show at WorldTalkRadio.com. It's been changing people's minds and helping swim students realize why their swimming lessons have not taught them to swim after all these years. It's also helping swimming instructors and coaches.
Please pass along the news. I've worked exclusively with adults who are afraid in water for 28 years and I know the process inside and out.
Melon Dash