The September 11 Big Shoulders swim in Chicago concluded the 7-part Great Lakes Open Water Swim Series, or GLOWS - one swim in each of the Great Lakes Zone LMSCs. The winners will be announced at September Convention.
Any thoughts or recommendations for a future series from those who participated (or didn't, but might like to)?
A few nudge points to get going:
--Information on swims easy to obtain?
--Event distances OK? Longer or shorter preferred?
--Travel to and between venues OK, or issues?
--Water safety OK?
--Meet well-run?
--Lagniappe (nice swag, good energy drinks and food post-swim, nice beach, easy parking, activities for family to do)
--Barriers to participation?
--Would you like to see a GLOWS series again next year? In alternate years?
Marjorie (Illinois Long Distance and Open Water Committee)