The 11th Annual Horsetooth Open Water Swim will take place August 16, 2009.
10k, 2.4 mile (with and without wetsuit) and 1 mile races will be held in Horsetooth Reservoir, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Registration is on and closes on August 7, 2009. No race-day registration.
Come join the fun of fresh-water, high-altitude swimming surrounded by the Rocky Mountains!
This event benefits TEAM Fort Collins, a non-profit group dedicated to preventing the abuse and illegal use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, especially among youth and families, by promoting healthy lifestyles through community mobilization, educational programs, and interactive events.
This is a great swim. The 10 K is a no turn event. You swim from the south end of the res to the North end. The views from the water are great.
It will be my 5th time swimming it and each one has been and wonder of an experience. The people who run it do a great job.
I was seriously considering this event; however, after looking at the event site, I'm very concerned about the cold water temp. Not sure how I could acclimate as I'm here in the south.
So. . . I'm guessing that if I don't have altitude training and cold water temp training that I can't just throw on a B70, try and have any decent shot at finishing it?
They had this as the national championship in 2006. I believe everybody finished. I did not train altitude or for cold (not like 68 is that cold). I'm certain you will be fine (possibly a little slower than expected).
So. . . I'm guessing that if I don't have altitude training and cold water temp training that I can't just throw on a B70, try and have any decent shot at finishing it?
You have "attitude" training, and that's what counts! (Plus a few thousand miles in the pool and a heroic 25k ...)
I hope you go and enjoy the beauty, etc., although I understand Georgia has its charms.
So. . . I'm guessing that if I don't have altitude training and cold water temp training that I can't just throw on a B70, try and have any decent shot at finishing it?
You have "attitude" training, and that's what counts! (Plus a few thousand miles in the pool and a heroic 25k ...)
I hope you go and enjoy the beauty, etc., although I understand Georgia has its charms.
LOL! Well, the race director reviewed my credentials and very reluctantly and with reservation approved me with the comment that Dive Rescue would be better served handling other emergencies over my possible hypothermia. Can't say I disagree and I can't say that really sold me on the swim.
It is warm here along the Front Range of the Colorado Rockies. Today it has hit 93 degrees so far. So the water in Horsetooth should be hitting almost 70 degrees. As long as you are moving you will generate enough body heat to keep warm. As a last resort, if you are too cold then get out, sun yourself along the rocks and have your kayaker throw you a sweatshirt and get warm. If you want I will swim along side of you to make sure you are okay. If I can keep up. I spent 14 hours on an English Channel attempt and it was the lack of moving that made me get out. I could not generate enough body heat. :)
I did the 10k in 2006 and worried about the cold for 6 months. I'm not sure what the temperature was but I was cold for 3 miles until the sun came out and then I was perfectly fine. I didn't even need to sit in the ambulance afterwards!
It's a well-run, friendly and low key race. I hope you like it!