Swimming World Cup in Singapore

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Former Member
Check out round four of the FINA World Cup taking place in Singapore, Singapore. The FREE and LIVE coverage starts Saturday and goes till Sunday, (Nov. 1-2). Watch as the new Aussie world record breakers Jaukovic and Hurley enter to shake things up in the competition after making their names heard in their first appearances in Sydney. The Aussie leaders are still on top: Marieke Guehrer leading the Women’s side and Christian Sprenger leading the Men’s side, but with a new level of competition pushing their reign. The top Americans in the competition right now is reigning champ Randall Bal who stands in seventh place after missing the Sydney portion, and Tara Kirk in 11th place. Click on the link below to watch the broadcast! Direct link to the broadcast of the FINA World Cup: www.universalsports.com/.../media.dbml