2008 TYR Grand Prix Series

The TYR Grand Prix website has been updated and now includes all three meets in the series. :groovy: October 25th & 26th - Indianapolis, Indiana November 16th - Louisville, Kentucky December 6th & 7th - Chicago, Illinois www.tyrgrandprix.com :bliss::bliss::bliss::bliss::bliss:
  • This is a copy of the entry I made in the Great Lakes Zone. Thanks to Mark Gill and everyone who organized the meet. That is a really nice pool. For those who weren't there, Gill did a 400 free, which is equivalent to a 2 mile open water swim for a normal person. :bolt: To procrastinate from work, I've posted a few pictures from Sunday on the ILMSA gallery.
  • This is a copy of the entry I made in the Great Lakes Zone. Thanks to Mark Gill and everyone who organized the meet. That is a really nice pool. For those who weren't there, Gill did a 400 free, which is equivalent to a 2 mile open water swim for a normal person. :bolt: To procrastinate from work, I've posted a few pictures from Sunday on the ILMSA gallery.
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